See. Know. Connect.

Complete RFID
Asset and Inventory
Locating Solutions


We’re revolutionizing the visibility and efficiency of automated processes, through tailored, integrated RFID solutions

What we do


Every factory and supply chain has many moving parts. It can work perfectly if you know precisely where each part is placed.

Now imagine if you could see it all happening in real-time.

You’d know which part of your inventory is processed each second.
You’d have a perfect understanding of your asset management, preventing loss.

You’d have full details of your warehouse management.

You’d be able to track specific items across channels and facilities.

A tailor-made RFID solution can answer all these questions and more, by seeing the comings and goings of inventory and assets. A fully connected, intelligent solution empowers you to gather knowledge on every moment of the life of your factory or supply chain, in real-time.

And yes, it’s immediately visible on an app.

RFID Solutions for asset management, inventory management and work in process, and supply chain.

There’s nothing like a snarl-up or a bottleneck to raise your heart rate. Aim for a steady beat.

With success, things get bigger, which can be overwhelmingly complex. We understand the need to simplify things to an overview - at a scale where you can plan and predict outcomes. There are three main applications for our solutions.

  • Knowing that through IoT tracing, nothing is lost, wherever it’s moved to.
  • Seeing the inventory count, without human error, connected to the WMS.
  • Connecting IoT tracing to the employee responsible for a specific tool so it can be found.
  • Knowing that your work is in progress, without disruption, through real-time reporting and the ability to slow it down or speed it up.
  • Seeing the specifics of work in progress - locating, times, and robust reporting on speed and efficiency.
  • Connecting work in process monitors to output and warehousing teams.
  • Knowing that through IoT tracing, nothing is lost, wherever it’s moved to.
  • Seeing the inventory count, without human error, connected to the WMS.
  • Connecting IoT tracing to the employee responsible for a specific tool so it can be found.

How do we see, know and connect?

It’s just technology. And it’s all fully compatible.

RFID hardware icon


We provide a comprehensive range of RFID hardware, including tags, readers, antennas, and printers. Our high-quality, reliable hardware components are designed to seamlessly integrate with each other, ensuring optimal performance and compatibility out of the box with little to no configuration required.

RFID software icon


We then connect these with the FactorySense RFID inventory management and asset management software – - so that we start to know all, processing the data into a cloud-based, real-time, inventory and tracking application. This integrates with advanced software features like geofencing, GovCloud high security for government, defence and aerospace.

RFID scanners icon

And then we connect all

It’s all compatible with what you already have. The RFID service part of our solution includes provision of an RFID consultant, onsite assessments and reports, customised RFID solution, and integration with other enterprise-wide applications. We also design, install and provide employee training, support, and maintenance.

RFID Tags IconRFID Handheld Scanners IconRFID Tags IconRFID Printers IconRFID Readers IconRFID Cloud SolutionsRFID Software Icon


Whether you’re making
air conditioners, aircraft
engines, or air-to-air
missiles, we can customize
your RFID solution


These are the areas we’re working in now:

RFID Aerospace Industry Icon
RFID Defense Industry Icon
RFID Industries Distribution, Logistics and Transport Icon
Distribution, Logistics and Transport
RFID Semiconductor Industry Icon
Electronics and Semiconductors
RFID Medical and Biotech Industry Icon
Medical and Biotech
RFID Oil and Gas Icon
Oil and Gas
RFID for aerospace industry imageRFID Electronics Industry Image
RFID Manufacturing Work in Process ImageRFID solutions for defense manufacturing.
RFID Medicines Manufacturing ImageRFID tag

Could your operation benefit from streamlining and cost cutting?


FactorySense RFID solution has revolutionized our inventory management process. We used to struggle with manual tracking, leading to inaccuracies, stockouts, and overstocking. However, with this system in place, we now have real-time visibility into our inventory levels, enabling us to optimize stock levels, streamline ordering, and minimize carrying costs. Our inventory accuracy has improved drastically, resulting in reduced costs and enhanced customer satisfaction.

- Operations Manager, Supply Chain Company

Implementing FactorySense RFID solution has been a game-changer for our organization. We were consistently losing valuable assets, resulting in substantial financial losses each year. However, since adopting this system, we’ve significantly reduced lost assets and saved millions of dollars annually. The real-time tracking capabilities have empowered us to locate and manage our assets efficiently, improving our overall operational efficiency and bottom line.
-  Warehouse Manager, Global Aerospace Manufacturer

We can't thank FactorySense enough for their RFID solution in our manufacturing facility. It has transformed our work-in-progress tracking and management. Previously, we faced challenges in monitoring and controlling the production process, leading to delays and inefficiencies. With FactorySense, we have real-time visibility into each stage of production, streamline workflows, and ensure timely completion. Our manufacturing process has become more efficient, leading to improved productivity and reduced time-to-market.
- Division Manager, Medical Manufacturing Facility

Our system is compatible with over 180 enterprise-wide applications.

What are yours?

When implementing new technology, most customers need to integrate their current technology with the new tech. Our customers make vast investments to deploy AMS and ERP software, MES and CRM systems. That’s why we’ll always devise a plan to integrate what you have with our new system, connecting the lot and making everything work together, seamlessly.

We also connect with IoT devices and Sensors, PLM software and MES.

So you won’t have to LAF (lift a finger).


Does this seem like something that could improve your workflow, lower costs and help you manage your warehousing?

>300 million

Transactions securely processed in FactorySense RFID.

> 8 million

Distinct SKUs currently tracked by FactorySense customers. Customers have tracked everything from calibrated assets to travellers successfully with FactorySense RFID.


Customer satisfaction according to our latest survey.


Supplier for everything needed for your RFID system to work. FactorySense provides consulting, hardware, and cloud-based software as an integrated and cost-efficient platform.

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@Copyright 2024 FactorySense RFID